Friday, January 7, 2011


"Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well." -Voltaire

Define: Appreciation

We forget how important the little things in life are until they're gone or your life takes a detour. Four months ago life seemed so discombobulated, but looking back it was the simplest and calmest time of the year. There are many people to thank for that, but there is one particular one that stands out. He was the last person who I thought would be there for me through the roughest times. I didn't have fancy dinners and I wasn't showered with presents, but I did have someone who cared. I had someone who checked up on me with any and everything that happened to me. I had someone who called me to tell me their good news and bad news. I had someone who gave me just enough affection I wanted and needed. He made whatever I said matter. He answered every call, regardless of how many times I called. He was always down to see me and brought me around all his friends, even if I was the only girl.

It sounds like a couple in love, but it wasn't anything like that, I'm not going to be the next reality star on Married to Rock. It was the level playing field and comfort that I have learned to appreciate. This doesn't put down any other guy I've had in my life, as if I don't appreciate them in my life. It's that this one did the least for me, but the most with the most surprising outcome. It shocks me that we even still talk to this day, I thought I wouldn't talk to him past the first day I meant him, now here we are like BFF. I didn't realize it until yesterday when someone was talking to me and they said of all the guys they've heard about, he was their favorite. The best stories were times with him and he only messed up once, but fixed it within a couple hours. He's not better or worse than any other guy, friend or more, in my life, just the most unpredicitible one. Who knew a rockstar had a bigger heart than we assumed...

Cold Forty Three - Letter to a Familiar Friend
(only seems appropriate)

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